

1. This Regulation defines general terms and conditions, principles and way in which electronic services are rendered by Intergeneral Group OÜ seated in Tallinn (Estonia), within the scope of website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”).

Article 1 - Definitions

1. Announcement - shall mean a declaration for sale of Goods made by the User and pronounced on the Web-Based Service.

2. Entrepreneur - means any natural person, legal person or an organizational unit not being a legal person, having legal capacity by virtue of the law, running in his/her/its own name a business or pursuing the profession.

3. Service Provider – means Intergeneral Group OÜ, based in Tallinn (15551), Sepapaja 6, tax identification number EE102113060, e -mail:, and at the same time the owner of the Website.

4. Terms and conditions - shall mean these rules of the Web-Based Service.

5. User – means an entity using the functionalities of the Website to which services are provided by the Service Provider in compliance with the Regulations and legal provisions.

6. User’s Account - shall mean an individual User’s panel that has been implemented to the benefit of this User by the Service Provider upon the User’s Registration.

7. Web-Based Service - shall mean Internet websites, managed by the Service Provider, which are in co-operation within

Article 2 - General Terms

1. All the rights to the Web-Based Service, including proprietary copyrights, intellectual property rights to its name, domain, website, as well as to patterns, forms, and word marks shall be the property of the Service Provider. The use of these items shall be exclusively determined by the provisions of these Terms and conditions.

2. The Service Provider shall endeavor to make it possible for Internet Users to use the Website by means of all popular web browsers, operating systems, computer types and types of Internet connections. Minimum technical requirements for use of Web-Based Service include a Web browser not older than the following versions: Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 39, Firefox 34, Opera 26, or Safari 5 or newer versions, with enabled support of JavaScript, acceptance of cookies, and an Internet connection with a capacity of at least 256 kbit/s. Web-Based Service are optimized for the minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels.

3. The Service Provider applies a mechanism of cookies, which - when the Users use the Website - are stored by the Service Provider's server on the hard disk of a User's terminal device(s). The use of "cookies" is intended to ensure correct operation of the Website by the User's terminal device(s). This mechanism does not destroy the User's terminal device(s) and does not change the configuration of the User's terminal device(s) or software installed thereon. Each User can turn off the cookies in the browser of his/her terminal device(s). The Service Provider informs, however, that exclusion of cookies may cause inconvenience or prevent the use of the Website.

4. The User shall have an active e-mail for the purpose of opening the User’s Account in the Web-Based Service.

5. Uploading unlawful content and using the Web-Based Service, the Website, or unpaid services, which are delivered by the Service Provider, in an illegal manner, as contrary to good practice, with infringement upon personal rights of any third party, or infringement upon justified interests of the Service Provider by the User is strictly forbidden.

6. The Service Provider declares that the public nature of the Internet and the use of the services provided through e-services may be related to the risk of acquisition and modification of the Users’ data by unauthorized persons. For that purpose, the Users shall apply suitable technical equipment that would prevent against foregoing risk. Specifically, the Users shall apply antivirus and identity protection software. The Service Provider, at no occasion, requests the User to make the Password available.

7. The User is not allowed to use the resources and functions of the Website to conduct activity that would violate the Service Provider's interests.

Article 3 - Services

1. The Service Provider provides, electronically to Users, paid and unpaid services. Services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

2. The Service Provider, for Users who are Entrepreneurs, provides paid and free of charge service as User Account.

3. The Service Provider reserves the right to select and alter types, forms, times, and manners for the access to selected enlisted services. The Users shall be notified appropriately as per the provisions in the Terms and conditions.

4. Service Contact Form consists in enabling the Users to send a message to Service Provider or to other Users who are an Entrepreneur and who has posted an Announcement. In order to use the service, the User fills out a form available on the Website and send the completed form electronically by selecting the appropriate functions contained in the form.

5. It is possible to unsubscribe from the free service Contact Form at any time by discontinuing sending inquiries to the Service Provider.

6. In order to increase the reach and the number of potential customers, the user's advertisements may be posted on partner websites without the user's consent. User announcements are posted on partner websites on the terms applicable therein. Fees for placing advertisements on partner websites will not be charged without the User's consent.

7. Termination of User Account services is possible at any time and involves termination of the contract for the provision of services under the terms of Article 9.

8. The Service Provider shall be entitled to disable the access to the User’s account and services in case the User acts to the detriment of the Service Provider or other Users, violates law regulations or the provisions of the Terms and conditions, or when blocking access to the User’s Account is necessary for the security reasons, specifically for the reason of breaking security systems of the Web-Based Service or any other hacker activities. Blocking access to the User’s account and unpaid services for the foregoing reasons shall last for the period that is necessary to discover the grounds for disabling the access to the User’s account and unpaid services. The Service Provider shall notify the User about intention to block the access to the User’s account and e-services to the address given by the User in the registration form.

Article 4 - Order of paid services

1. The information contained on the Website in the range of paid services constitute an offer Provider to conclude a contract for the provision of services against payment electronically via the Website.

2. The User can accept the offer of the Service Provider to pay services on the Website 7 days a week, 24 hours a day via the Website Service.

3. User can accept the Service Provider offer for paid services by completing and sending the order form available on the Website to the Service Provider. The Service Provider then sends an e-mail to the User with confirmation of the contract for the provision of the paid services.

4. Prior to selection of any paid service, the User shall receive the information related to the price of this paid service, its duration that it applies to upon activation, and the extent of this paid service.

5. The prices are net prices. VAT will be added to the given prices, depending on the country of registration of the User's company.

6. The User makes the payment for the services ordered, paid by bank transfer to the bank account of the Service Provider. Activation of paid services will be effected immediately after receipt of payment to the bank account of the Service Provider. The validity period of paid services is counted from the moment the service is activated. Activation of the service marks the start of the service paid electronically by the Service Provider to the User.

Article 5 - Complaints

1. The User may lodge a complaint related to the e-services provided by the Service Provider to the Service Provider. The complaint may be lodged via e-mail of the Service Provider. A notification form shall include the User’s Login and description of the problem. The Service Provider shall immediately, but not later that within 14 (fourteen) days, adjust the complaint and reply to the User’s e-mail address specified at complaint lodge.

Article 6 - The User's responsibility within the scope of posted contents

1. By posting content and making it available, the User distributes content voluntarily. Posted content shall not reflect the Service Provider’s views and should not be identified with the Service Provider’s activity. The Service Provider is not the provider of the content, but only an entity providing adequate ICT resources for that purpose.

a. is entitled to use proprietary copyrights, industrial property rights and/or related rights to works, objects of industrial property rights (e.g. trademarks) and/or objects of related rights, respectively, which make up the content

b. states that personal data, images and information relating to third parties were posted and made available within the scope of services referred to in Article 3 legally, voluntarily and with the consent of persons to whom they refer

c. gives consent for the access to the content by other Users and the Service Provider

d. He/she agreed on adaptation of work within the meaning of the Act on copyrights and related rights.

2. The Customer:

a. post, in connection with the use of services referred to in Article 3, personal data of third parties and to distribute images of third parties without the legally required permission or consent of third parties

b. post, in connection with the use of services referred to in Article 3, advertising and/or promotional content

3. The Service Provider shall be responsible for content posted by Users on condition that it receives notification in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulations.

a. be published in bad faith, e.g. with an intention to breach personal rights of third parties

b. violate any rights of third parties, including rights related to protection of copyrights and related rights, protection of industrial property rights, trade secret or related to any confidentiality obligations

c. Be derogatory or constitute a threat addressed to other people, contain vocabulary that violates good practices (e.g. through use of vulgar words or expressions that are deemed to be abusive);

d. contradict the interests of the Service Provider

e. violate other provisions of the Regulation, good practices, applicable legal provisions and social or moral norms

4. In connection with the use of services referred to in Article 3, Users must not post content that might, in particular: harm the interests of the Service Provider

5. In the case of receiving notification in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulations, the Service Provider reserves the right to modify or delete content posted by Users within the scope of their use of services referred to in Article 3, particularly with regard to content which was found to constitute a potential infringement of these Regulations or applicable provisions of law on the basis of reports from third parties or relevant authorities. The Service Provider does not control posted content on an ongoing basis.

6. A User allows the Service Provider to use free of charge the contents published by him/her only in respect of Services Provided by the Service Provider within the Website, in particular the publication of content on the Website.

Article 7 - Reporting threats and law contraventions

1. In case the User or any other person or entity finds that the content of the Web-Based Service distorts rights, personal rights, good practice, emotions, morality, beliefs, principles of fair competition, know-how, trusted information protected by law or by obligation, the Service Provider shall be notified about such potential distortion.

2. The Service Provider that has been notified about any potential distortion shall immediately take suitable actions to remove the content of the Web-Based Service that constitutes the distortion.

Article 8 - Personal data protection

1. The Service Provider shall be the administrator of the Users’ personal data that were submitted voluntarily to the Service Provider in order to use the services specified in Article 3.

2. The Service Provider processes User personal data for the provision by the Service Provider of services by electronic means, and other purposes specified in the Regulations. Data are processed only pursuant to the provisions of law or the consent expressed by the User, in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

3. The User shall voluntarily submit his/her personal data to the Service Provider, provided, however, that non-submission of specific data in the process of order shall prevent submission and fulfillment of the User order.

4. Anyone who transfers his/her personal data to the Service Provider shall have the right of access to their content and the right to correct it.

5. The Service Provider shall allow removal of personal data from the data set, in particular if the User's Account is deleted. The Service Provider may refuse to remove personal data if the User violates applicable law, and keeping the personal data is necessary to explain the circumstances and determine the liability of the User.

6. The Service Provider shall protect the transferred personal data and shall make every effort to secure them against unauthorized access or use.

Article 9 - Termination of the Contract

1. Both the User and the Service Provider may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services at any time and without giving reasons, subject to the preservation of rights acquired by the other Party before termination of the above- mentioned agreement and the provisions below.

2. Both the User and the Service Provider may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services at any time and without giving reasons, subject to the preservation of rights acquired by the other Party before termination of the above-mentioned agreement and the provisions below.

3. In the event of termination by the User who is Entrepreneur, when the user has an active service paid, the User is not entitled to a refund for the unused time paid service.

Article 10 - Final Provisions and Amendment of the Regulations

1. The Service Provider shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of the contract but, in the case of contracts with Users being Entrepreneurs, the Service Provider shall be liable only for deliberate damage and within the limits of losses actually incurred by the User being the Entrepreneur.

2. The content of the Terms and conditions may be reproduced through printing, recording on carrier or downloading from the Web-Based Service at any time.

3. Every User may use non-judicial complaint and redress mechanisms. The User may use mediation in this scope.

4. In the event of a dispute related to the concluded Contract of Sale, the parties shall seek to resolve the matter amicably. The Estonian law shall be applicable to settlement of any disputes arising under these Regulations.

5. The Service Provider reserves the right to amend these Regulations. All orders accepted by the Service Provider prior to entry into force of the new Regulations shall be delivered based on the Regulations in force at the date of placing the order by the User. The amended Regulations shall enter into force within 7 days from the date of publication thereof on the Website. The Service Provider shall inform the User 7 days before entry into force of the new Regulations about the amendment to the Regulations by email, including a link to the contents of the amended Regulations. If the User does not accept the new contents of the Regulations, the User shall notify the Service Provider about this fact, which shall result in termination of the contract in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.