What distinguishes Bilxa.com from other automotive platforms?

We attach great importance to the quality of the offer, first to the description and presentation. Our ads are clear and understandable. In addition, our website does not have outdoor advertising, which can make your choice difficult and distracting at times. Our platform is supported by AI and Machine Learning technologies, which allows you to get the best possible results in positioning your offer on the Internet.

Who can post ads on our platform?

We only work with verified Dealers and Car Traders. To start cooperation, you need several years of experience in the industry and an impeccable opinion.

Is it possible to integrate with the Dealer's / Car Traders website?

It is possible, after providing the necessary documentation, we will conduct full integration with the Client's website. The downloaded ads will also be updated regularly.

What is the cost of posting ads?

We offer the best prices on the market and an individual approach to each client. We have two types of packages: Freemium and Professional. Each Partner decides for himself which package is best for him and what additional services he needs.

How could I start cooperation?

To start cooperation, complete the contact form, our consultant will contact you immediately.

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